

A website design for a start up like tinder but for dogs.

Uses: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

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Created our own crypto tokens and set up a token sale.

Uses: Solidity, Ganache, Ethereum, Truffle Suite, Metamask, HTML, CSS, Javascript, NodeJs, MongoDB

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Landing page for signing up to a newsletter.

Uses: NodeJs, Express.js, APIs

, View Project

Porting Hindi ASR onto Raspberry Pi 3

A TDNN model trained and deployed on a Raspberry Pi 3 to convert Hindi Speech to Text.

Uses: Automatic Speech Recognition using Kaldi, Vosk API, RPi3, ReSpeaker, Python

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Keeper App

Google Keep App Clone made using React.

Uses: React.js, Material UI

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google keep clone

ToDo List

A simple ToDo List UI made using React.

Uses: React.js

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to do list

Mobius And Euler's Totient Function Calculator

A simple website for calculating Mobius Function and Euler's Totient Function in Cryptography.

Uses: HTML, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap

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Drum Kit

A simple drum kit with sounds of different drum components.

Uses: HTML, CSS, Javascript

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Simon Game

A simple recreation of the 80s game Simon.

Uses: HTML, CSS, JQuery

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Our Classroom

Web Application like Google Classroom for students and teachers.

Uses: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDb, Redux, Material UI, Zoom sdk, AWS, Heroku, Netlify

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